Monday, May 16, 2011

A month in photos

Trying out Uncle Pat's Jeep in Savannah

In Sarasota for Blair's wedding

Our hostess Jill, her date Will, at the wedding after party at the Ritz.

Too much fun at Blair's wedding!

Beautiful Blair who will kill me for this photo.

You moms out there know that vanity takes a back seat when you are actually in a photo with your babe. At the Jonquil festival, May 2010.

With Ross's cousin Meg and Chloe at Ben's 1st Communion party.

Precious girls!

My bully daughter trying to squeeze her cousin's nose. Chloe did not like Mary Kate and her daddy's little "game"

Celebrating our Ben's First Communion! Precious Boy who is so sweet to MK!

This month has been full and wonderful. It brought my first Mother's Day. Mary Kate helped daddy pick out beautiful new stationery for me and took care of most baby care duties that day. Ben's First Communion was so sweet and special, even from our vantage point in the narthex :) We loved having our cousins in town from Philly and Mary Kate loved all the attention!

Our girl turned 10 months a few days later and seems to have morphed into this toddler person. I kind of can't get enough of her these days. I hope I get a post of her 10 months later but just in case, the quick version of her life these days is pulling up on everything, new sounds "sssss, thissssssss," more independence with her eating (less spoons, more baths), better napping (praise the LORD), more cuddling (again, praise the Lord- though still much less than the average babe), has finally conceded to sitting still for 5 minute intervals to be read to- maybe we won't have an illiterate baby after all, loves swimming in the pool, has started reaching out for mommy and daddy (insert melted heart), and this month had her first weekend away from mom and dad!

Ross and I left the girl this weekend with my mom and sister while we flew to Sarasota for the Sullivan-Berrigan nuptials. Blair's wedding was probably one of my top 5 favorite weddings. My date was handsome, the champagne was flowing and my dress required no sucking in! We stayed with Jill who is simply joy personified and got to see lots of old friends from UGA and the Catholic Center. We stayed up until 2-3 am each night, about 6 hours later than usual. Blair was so gracious and beautiful and the tears flowed freely watching my old roomie finally get her day. No detail went untouched. It was one of those wedding where every guest felt special and cherished. I was so humbled by the love and sweetness from our bride!

We are back home now and I have loved reacquainting with my girl. I loved the getaway but oooh how I missed that gremlin! The next weeks promise to be busy and fabulous with a family vacay with our sweet friends to the Hinton Center in NC, someone's mama's 30th birthday, and lots of summer fun!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Quick Takes Home Depot Computer Style

So, last week my computer crashed. And it took 600 photos of my girl. I cried for one minute. Then I stopped. Then I kicked myself in the butt because I kept reminding myself to back up all those photos and never did. And now-a-days I am attempting to perform a job I do 100% remotely from a blackberry. Pretty it is not. But tonight husband brought home his work computer and while he played tennis, I fit 4 days of work into 2 hours (after I cussed and cussed and finally found the wireless button. Was so tempted to call my techie friend Scott and interrupt his daughter's 1st BIRTHDAY to find it. Common sense finally prevailed.) Anyway- I wanted to post some quick takes because there is a lot going on lately and I don't know when I'll be back to a screen that is more than 2 inches wide.

1. It's amazing how much free time is had once a computer dies. Monday morning was my first weekday without my beloved attachment. By halfway through MK's nap,  I had made the bed, showered, eaten breakfast, cleaned MK's bottles and completed a week's worth of my new bible study (thank you Mikki Breen!) By this time normally I would have stalked 40 blogs, worked a little and read the news online and I definitely want that computer back but will be imposing some limits on my time-wasting self  when it  gets here.

2. Mary Kate will be ten months old Monday. And this girl is cracking me up. See below for snippets of my day.
Monty used to run away from her. Now he just sits there and lets her crawl all over him. Like my redneck baby's diaper ?

The girl is as feisty as ever and ALL OVER THE PLACE. She now loves to crawl around the foyer into the kitchen. I will crawl the other way into the kitchen and she goes bonkers when she sees me crawling toward her. I guess you have to be there but it cracks her up. And nothing beats goofy baby laughter.

3. Yesterday I was driving to lunch with the girl and we had to stop by Ross's work for our Dave Ramsey stash. As I was driving, I was blown over by how fortunate I feel to be taking my girl to lunch with good old friends in the middle of the day while he works. And lest my husband use this sentence against me for any reason, please feel free to call Cameli's to inquire as to how this angel behaved during lunch. Add that one to the list of "do not return" restaurants.

4. Said angel whined from 4-7 pm today. And by whined, I mean raked her fingernails across a chalk board for 3 hours. (Again, feeling the need to combat any thought of homemaker bliss over here).

5. But back to homemaker bliss.

needed to remember those big ole teeth. There are 4 more, they just get hidden by these big daddies.

Joy Elizabeth introduced us to McEntyre's Bakery. Holy cinnamon roll.

6. In response to the new found cinnamon rolls, mini-cakes, and big fat cookies, I decided to start running. That was Monday. I haven't started yet. But I will. I think. As I told a friend, I would really love a reason to be proud of myself. And apparently one doesn't feel proud after eating a box of swiss cake rolls. Trust me, I tried, about 4 times.

7. Work ebbs and flows. This month it paid for my ginormous dental bill. Big time savings right now. Take a peek.

8. Last month it was the dental bill. This month, I need this. And despite my bible study being about seeking holiness by combatting (fill in the blank- for me, it's material things), I think I'd be really really holy if I could do my bible study from this space.
copied with respect from

9. Saturday is this boy's 1st Communion. Ben is so special to Ross and I, such a kind-hearted, loving, active boy. He loves Mary Kate and she adores him right back. 1st Communion is one of my favorite events in the life of a child. I have fond memories of me squinting in the courtyard of the Blessed Sacrament Rectory as the sun shined down during pictures. I wore a veil my grandmother made me and new white mary jane shoes. I was given a white prayer book and white rosary beads that I loved. As an adult Eucharistic Minister at the Catholic Center in Athens, I loved giving kids the precious cup for the first time and watching them squirm at their first tastes of wine. I remember giving it to Eason and her winking at me. I can't wait to see Ben, always so reverent during Sunday Mass, receive the body and blood of Christ for the first time.

10. One week from tomorrow, I will be on a plane with my husband. ALONE. We will get to see our long lost friend Jill and watch Blair marry Mike. We are so thankful for these friends (and for them deciding to get married giving us no excuse not to take an adults only vacay). Mary Kate will be ridiculously spoiled and probably take no naps but it won't matter. I will miss her terribly but I'll be with my favorite man. I am giddy with excitement.