Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Becoming the right woman

I recently read a beautiful post by Ann Voskamp who wrote "I married the right man because God can make me the right woman." Marriage is complex and wonderful and exhausting and beautiful and heart-wrenching and refining and a million other things mixed together. But what I'm realizing a big bad 2.5 years into this gig is that God absolutely can make me into the right woman for this wonderful man. It may take a little more humility than I am often willing to give, but it is absolutely possible. So tonight, I am trading in the yoga pants for a dress (okay, clean jeans). I am trading in the sticky banana on my face for real makeup. I am trading the ponytail for some actual hair product. I am trading the left-overs for a new home-cooked meal and a quick once-over for a bona fide cleaned home. I am trading tired mommy for energized wife. I will trade any temptation for criticism for grace and love. I will trade any impatience for patience. Tonight, I will practice being the right woman for my unbelievably wonderful husband. I might even watch Hannity with him. MIGHT.

To my Valentine, even had you not brought home a bunch of chocolate and these (aforementioned little beauties--see number 2-- )  I'd still want to be the right wife for you, today and always. But naturally, this helped! Being at home with our little creature is the biggest blessing in the world, but it is easy to become all mommy and less wife. You deserve much more than you get most days but give to us both so endlessly. There are two girls in this house who are so happy to have you as their Valentine. We love you!

love Big Valentine

and your little Valentine, too


  1. so sweet and so very true! Enjoy being more wife and less mommy tonight! You're a great wife and you have been blessed with a fantastic family! Love you all!

  2. great post keri! i wish you a wonderful, happy and relaxed valentine's night.

  3. Keri, I love your hair in that pic. Is it darker?
